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New Year, New You | Bringing Ourselves Back to Center
Goodbye 2018 and welcome 2019! 2018 was filled with many life and business lessons and Half and Half Creative Design Studio is eager to...

Shout It From the Rooftops | 5 Reasons Why Testimonials are Your Best Sales Pitch
Remember that marketing funnel we talked about months ago? Probably not, but here's the spoiler alert: the last step for a customer on...

Plans on Plans on Plans | How Having Multiple Marketing Plans Can Benefit Your Business
I can already hear the marketing world imploding at my mere suggestion that you would want more than one marketing plan.

The Golden Circle and Marketing | Please Excuse Me As I Fangirl Over Simon Sinek
Let's first start off by saying that if you haven't heard of Simon Sinek you should open a new tab and look up some of his YouTube videos...

How to Start Viewing File Organization As a Winning Strategy And Not Just an Annoying Chore
Think about the bottom of your to-do list. The very bottom. You’ve probably got a handful of things that you write down every day that...

8 Ways to Shut Off Your Brain and Unplug
One of the hardest things for me to do is calm my brain down at the end of the day so I can get some decent sleep. I know I can't be...

How to Move Forward When Your Biggest Obstacle is Yourself
To be an entrepreneur, a business owner or even a leader you have to constantly be looking in the mirror. You have a continuous inner...
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